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Meccano Community Web Site

Hi all,

In case you weren’t aware we have recently launched a new Meccano Community website especially for you at

Meccano Sommunity

Here you can share your Meccano builds and see what the world is making! You can post videos, find out about and add Meccano events, and more.

Please share the news with others who may be interested, and we look forward to seeing your contributions to the site soon.

Kind regards,



Emma Eden
Marketing Manager

Spin Master Toys UK Ltd, Riverhead House, Boston Drive, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5YS
01628 535 000

The Italian Collection

A Meccano auction was held by Vectis Auction Ltd, on 8th March, in Rugby to sell the "Italian Collection". This featured 56 Lots of Spectacularly constructed models as well as sets and parts from the ‘Golden Spanner Award’ winning Rolando Piazzoli.

For those of you who missed out, there were a number of lots which were unsold, and they will be resubmitted for sale on April 25th auction in Stockton-On-Tees.

Put it in your diary, and get ready to start bidding!!

Have a look at the lots on offer at

Golden Spanner Award

The 2014 Golden spanner award is fast approaching, and I am looking for nominations from members of the Runnymede Meccano Guild, to submit to the Award Jury in the next few weeks.

This award was instituted in 2000 by ISM member Andre Welti of Switzerland, as a means of honouring Meccanomen who have made an outstanding contribution to the Meccano Hobby throughout the world, on a local, national or international level.

Nominations need to reach the Award Jury by 1st May 2014, and are to be submitted by the club rather than by individuals, so if enough of you reply with your nominations, I can submit them as a club vote.

Please send your nominations and views to me at



The International Meccano Model Show 2014 (Skegex)

4th – 6th July 2014
Organised by the North Midlands Meccano Guild

Our 33rd annual exhibition will again follow the well established pattern.

‘Setting up’ will be from 12 noon on Thursday 3rd July 2014.
Those requiring large model space please contact Geoff Brown direct on 01522 790 422 or

We hope to have all our regular traders present and perhaps some new ones. Prize voting will conclude at 3:00pm on Sunday 6th July, with prizes being awarded to the first five winners on the basis of modellers votes, presented around 4:00pm.

Our normal range of Meccano related raffle prizes will be offered and the draw will be made at 4:30pm on Sunday 6th July.

There will be a ‘social evening’ at the New Park Club at 7:30pm on Saturday 5th July with buffet refreshments provided at 8:00pm.

On Friday 4th July there will be a dinner with wine and coffee at The Vine Hotel (The Imperial is now closed), Drummond Road. The cost will be £20 each. Please make cheques payable to North Midlands Meccano Guild and send them to Marion Cotterill, 37 Park Avenue, Skegness, Lincs, PE25 2TF, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope for a reply. Menu choices must be with me by 21st June 2014 (see below). Meccano friends from abroad can again reserve tickets with Marion and collect on arrival at Skegex.

East Lindsey District Council is the landlord and again imposing certain conditions:

  1. Car park passes will not be available for 2014 (not my decision, but car park operators).
  2. Restrictions on entry and exit via back door, to be used only for unloading and loading models and sales.
  3. Exhibitor badges must be worn at all times for entry and Exhibitor passes will be available for spouses and partners.

All enquiries to Marion Cotterill, 37 Park Avenue, Skegness, Lincs, PE25 2TF or 07749 303 161

Dinner at The Vine Hotel

Menu options

Starter 1 - Roast Tomato Soup, Garlic Herb Croutons
Starter 2 - Chicken Liver Pate, Brioche

Main 1 - Roast Shoulder of Pork, Shallot and Cider Gravy, Duck Fat Roast Potatoes, Garden Veg
Main 2 - Blue Cheese and Spinach Pasta
Main 3 - Chicken Breast Wrapped in Parma Ham, Served with Contadino. Italian Stew of Fennel and Chilli Sausage, Lentil, Chestnut, Mushroom Garlic and Tomato

Dessert 1 - Selection of Ice Cream
Dessert 2 - Chocolate Truffle Cake, Raspberries and Raspberry Sorbet

If you want to get ahead, get a hat!

Hi folks, 

just a little detective work here, after the meeting on Saturday, we found a hat left on the sidewall. We thought we'd worked out who it belonged to but sadly we were wrong!

If it was either you who went home with a chilly bonce, or if you know who it might have been, please get in touch.

If I get too many claims for it, I'll hang on to it til next February and put it in the auction!!  :-D

Many thanks, and best wishes


Meccanuity 2014

The following message comes from Roger Thorpe, Secretary of Telford and Ironbridge Meccano Society. You can download the poster and newsletter from our Library…

Dear Meccano friends,

Attached below you will find a poster and newsletter predominantly concerning our annual exhibition in May. All are welcome to attend. If you would like to join us for the whole event or just one day then please send (by post or email) a copy of the table space booking form back to me so that I can allocate space.

All at the Telford and Ironbridge Meccano Society wish you a healthy and Meccano-filled New Year.

Newsletter editors are welcome to to use any of the attached material in their publications.

With kindest regards and many thanks,

Roger Thorpe
Secretary, Telford and Ironbridge Meccano Society

London Meccano Club Events Guide

The 2014 edition of the London Meccano Club Events Guide is now out and includes the meeting dates for all six of London's Meccano clubs and societies!

Download the printable guide to find out what Meccano events are happening near you next year…

Click to download the Guide

The printable guide hasn't space to show every event, so make sure you take a look at the interactive map and guide on the website at or follow London Meccano Club on social media:

Seasons Greetings to you all!

I would just like to say "Happy Christmas" to all Guild members and their families!

Whatever your faith, following or beliefs, the message is the same — be good to each other, live "longly", healthily and happily, and spare a thought for those less fortunate than ourselves.

Enjoy the season thus…


…and apart from all this, make lots of Meccano models!

May all of your presents be full of holes!

Best wishes,

Pete (and Alfie)

New website RSS feeds

You can now subscribe to our RSS feeds to receive notifications whenever our website is updated. Just point your RSS reader at one or more of the following URLs:

  All updates

We've also routed the Gallery feed to the London Meccano Club Facebook and Twitter accounts, so if you prefer to stay in touch that way (and get updates from London's other Meccano clubs too!) find us on Facebook at or follow us on Twitter at

Konkoly Supermodels

Nick Rodgers, along with some of our other members, has started a new project to build and photograph a selection of models designed by one of the world's most famous Meccano model builders, Andreas Konkoly (1918–2003).

Konkoly's Supermodel No. 3 - Pierrot and Harlequin Pendulum Clock

You can now view the first 40 models online in our Gallery, and there'll be more to follow soon.

If you haven't already, subscribe to 'Gallery media' and you'll be notified when new models are added to our Gallery. (If you're reading this in an e-mail, click the link at the foot of this e-mail to manage your subscriptions.)