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Urgent RMG Vacancies

Greetings Runnymede Meccano Guild members and website subscribers

Important note about emails like this
This email is being sent via RMG website, and going forward, RMG will probably be using emails like this as most straightforward way of communicating with members.
If you really would prefer not see emails like this, you can login to (using email address to which this was sent), go to AccountPreferences, and then un-tick subscription checkbox(es).

Alternatively you can simply reply to message saying "stop news emails" / "stop event emails" / "stop all emails" and I'll be happy take care of it for you

However any member choosing to disable subscriptions, will miss out on important messages such as this from RMG.

Urgent RMG Vacancies
As you can see listed below, RMG now has a number of vacancies, some rather urgent, some longer term.
Background to this is that John Rogers has decided to step down from editing RMG Magazine with immediate effect.
John no longer feels able to put in the time to produce three 60 page magazines per year, and states that the most recent (Autumn 2024) issue must be his last.
John has done a superb job of maintaining and improving RMG magazine's quality for over five years, so my own feeling is that we should thank him for all that hard work and respect his insistence on standing down.

Most fortunately, Craig Longhurst has volunteered to take over not just as Magazine Editor, but also some other important roles as well (see below)
I hope that at next Liphook meeting, members will express their appreciation to Craig for taking this on.
To ease Craig into his new role, I feel I should point out that RMG magazine can only be as good as the contributions that members such as you write.  So if you receive an issue which contains fewer than the 60 pages we have become accustomed to, please do not criticise the editor!  Instead, get writing in order to help increase the amount of worthwhile content in the next issue.

Regards Robin Schoolar (Provisional Membership Secretary)

Despite Craig filling some vacancies, a number remain unfilled

URGENT VACANCYRefreshments and Kitchen Co-ordinator
Following John Rogers' decision to stand down as editor, his wife Lisa is no longer available to look after Refreshments and Kitchen.
Given that refreshments at RMG meetings are tea coffee and biscuits, this is not a particularly onerous duty, but is greatly appreciated by members.
Burden could be reduced by sharing the load during meetings amongst a few people taking turns through the day. 
Main "duties" are (a) topping up biscuit plates (b) refreshing the teapot (c) processing dirty items through the (simple and rapid) dishwasher that is available in the Liphook kitchen (d) (optional) maximising gossip circulating amongst members.
Please would anyone potentially interested in this role respond BEFORE February meeting, because supplies (whose cost is reimbursed from Guild funds) are generally bought ahead of the meeting, which would become a waste with nobody to serve them out on the day.

Clearly it follows that if nobody offers to take on this role, anyone attending Liphook on 1st February should assume there will be no refreshments whatsoever.

Arguably John Rogers was too good to the Guild, by often writing the model report in addition to producing the magazine.
Producing the magazine is already a big enough task for RMG's new editor, Craig.
So RMG really does need some of those who come to meetings to take on writing the Model Report.
The essential requirement is to write the words.  Craig can then do (or delegate) the page layout, combining words with pictures (which may well be supplied by more than one person)
This is a role where there would be real advantage in being able to call on a pool of volunteers.
That way each person needs to report on only a half or a third of the models during a meeting.
If task of Model Reporting can be rotated to others at subsequent meeting, this not only spreads the load still further but also increases the variation in writing style.
Note that at February meeting, all RMG committee members will be preoccupied with the auction (more auction details will be sent to members soon), so they will not have capacity to write model report.


VACANCY: Publications Custodian
Pete Wood is currently doing this, but hopes to hand over as soon as practical.
Main responsibilities:-
- looking after RMG stock of Magazine Back Issues and Konkoly Volumes (which do occupy some space)
- responding to website sales (which are pretty infrequent) by packaging up and posting out whichever back issues and/or Konkoly-s have been ordered
- keeping records of sales
- updating stocks of these publications, and ensuring website shows stock levels accurately.

VACANCY: Folding Tables Custodian
Pete Wood currently looks after about 18 folding tables, which are owned by RMG.  He hopes to be able to pass this responsibility to someone else.
This does come with a minor perk, that it is OK for whoever has the tables to make use of them for any deserving cause (village fete etc), so long as they don't suffer damage or go astray.  
To close on a positive note, and as reward for reading this far, below is a summary of RMG positions which are currently filled, at least provisionally.
During the February meeting, there will be opportunity for anyone else to volunteer for provisional positions, and members present will then vote (or for uncontested positions, confirm)

President: Nick Rodgers

Magazine Editor: Craig Longhurst
Website Content Maintainer: Craig Longhurst 
Midhurst Exhibition Organiser: Craig Longhurst (with Pete Wood continuing for imminent February 2025 event)
Craig will also shortly start looking after RMG mains leads, table covers, and publicity banner

Membership Secretary: Robin Schoolar
Kempton Exhibition Coordinator: Robin Schoolar

Website Infrastructure: Tim Surtell

Vintage Steam Festival at Eversley 22nd June 2024

Calling all Steam Buffs,

Would you like to get involved and display your Steam related Meccano models at this event on 22nd June 2024?

If you are interested, please do get in touch with Jonathan Clark for more information

(contact details are on the poster below).

Map and location is also shown below.


Auction Meeting 3rd February 2024

Dear all,

In anticipation of the forthcoming auction, we have details of some of the lots already, which I am sharing with you now to give you the opportunity to peruse and consider. If you are interested in any of these, then you may wish to come prepared?

The photos shown below may not represent individual lots as they will be offered on the day. Some may well be combined for convenience, but this should give you some idea of what to expect.

We are also expecting a No. 9 set in Red/Green and a No. 7 set in Zinc/Yellow. I currently don't have photos of these as yet, but any images that are sent to me in coming days will be added to the gallery as soon as possible.

On that note, if you do have lots of your own that you wish to showcase, please send me your photos as soon as you can.




Subs for 2023-24

Please may I offer a gentle reminder that RMG subscriptions were due as of 1st October 2023.

May I request that any members who wish to continue their membership but have not yet renewed, please could you do so at your earliest convenience.

If you have decided for any reason not to renew could you please let us know as soon as possible?

We had an excellent AGM meeting held at Liphook on 30th September. Our Editor John Rogers is finalising the next issue of the RMG magazine which includes a full report on the meeting and several detailed contributions from members who attended. Also included is a detailed review of the recent Henley Gathering and several articles from members with news about their latest projects.

Many thanks indeed.

Runnymede Meccano Guild

Subscription Holiday

Dear members,

As you will know, since February 2020 and due to something called Covid 19, we missed out on three meetings at Chertsey prior to July this year when we had the “Liphook Gathering”. For everyone who paid their subs in 2020, the committee feels it is only fair to offer a subs holiday for 2021/22 in recognition of the fact that we didn’t need to cover any hall rentals for a full year. Therefore, we are not asking for any payments this October from members whose subs were paid up for 2020/21.

The cut-off date for the offer will be the posting date for RMG Magazine issue 106 which is imminent and all being well should be early next week (check date of this message).

Anyone who may wish to continue to pay subs voluntarily is free to do so, and these will be received as such with enormous gratitude. Either way, all current members as described above will continue to receive magazines throughout the coming year to include June 2022 (issue 109).

We will review the situation regarding further subs due for October 2022 a bit nearer the time.

Many thanks indeed.

Liphook Gathering

Liphook Gathering

Saturday 31 July 2021, 12:00pm – 5:00pm

As already posted in the events page, (further details can be found here) may I draw your attention to the following -

As a substitute for our cancelled June meeting we are hosting a Gathering at Liphook Millennium Centre on Saturday 31 July 2021 from 12:00 noon to 5:00pm.

All Meccano enthusiasts are welcome (it is not restricted to RMG members), especially if they bring a model.

We expect the event to be popular, so recommend contacting Robin Schoolar at in advance to reserve table space. However we’ll do our best to find space for anyone who simply turns up with a model on the day.

Meccano Traders are also welcome but please make contact before-hand to discuss space requirements.

There is no meeting charge, but bear in mind we don’t yet know whether we can offer catering, so best come prepared to feed yourselves. Keep an eye out on this page in case we have updates on this.

The venue is a few minutes drive from the A3 and has ample free parking (GU30 7LD). It is also just a few minutes walk from Liphook Railway Station.

Henley Gathering 2020

Dear all,

Please see the content from the Henley flyer below for further details of this years Gathering, and if you are interested in attending, you will need to contact the HSME secretary Ian Henwood to register your interest (e-mail link below).

(Apologies for the lack of images/maps; I couldn't get them to load up).


The Henley Gathering 2020

We are hopeful to be holding the 49th Henley Gathering at the Christ Church Centre, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1AG on Saturday September 5th 2020.

In these difficult times arrangements will have to be a little different from normal. We will need to keep a record of everyone attending for contact tracing purposes. We will also need to plan for 2 metre social distancing throughout the Centre so display tables will be arranged as individual tables 2 metres apart.

Notwithstanding all this however we would be delighted for Meccano Club members to come along and bring a model.

If you are able to come please let Ian Henwood know so that we can start the contact list and details of what tables you want if you have a model.

You can find your way using the simplified map above. Doors open at 09:00am.

Some car parking is available at the centre: please respect the disabled bays. If designated parking spaces are full, please deliver your model, and move your vehicle to a long stay park.

A £5.00 admission fee will be charged to help defray exhibition costs.

If you can bring your own extension leads/adaptors and table coverings that would be useful.

The Henley Society of Meccano Engineers

Shop re-opened

Hi all, 

I'm pleased to announce that the shop is now open for business once again, so please feel free to browse and order as required.

I will still be limiting my visits to the post office to a maximum of one per week for the time being, so as a result there may be a slight delay in orders being posted out. Please bear with me until things "get back to normal".

Kind regards,


Stay safe.

Shop closed temporarily

Dear all, 

Apologies for any inconvenience, I have temporarily suspended the shop for sales of magazines etc to avoid un-necessary trips to the Post Office.

I hope to resume normal operations as soon as possible, please bear with me.

Take care and keep safe



Impact of Covid 19 on Meetings

Hi everyone, 

I sincerely hope that you are all well and keeping yourselves safe under the current threat which you may have heard about in the news?!

None of us can know how long this crisis might go on for and of course all manner of social interactions are having to be cancelled or postponed now and well into the foreseeable future.

It is looking extremely likely that we will be doing the same for our next meeting in June, just as many clubs are already doing well into May if not beyond.

Having said that, being the eternal optimist and despite the fact that Chertsey Hall has already announced the cancellation of all future events until further notice, we have decided to hold off making our own official announcement as long as possible. The meeting reminders will be sent out as usual two weeks before, with our final decision one way or the other.

We can all probably guess which way it will go, but some of us still believe in miracles !

We will look forward to seeing you all again before too long however, so until then please do accept the following "advice"...

Stay safe, look out for each other, keep in touch and let us know that you're alright?

Beyond all that, build as many great models as you can.